Medical and Therapeutic Excellence
Pulmonary Medicine
We are a proven pioneer in ventilator care and weaning. Overseen by a pediatric pulmonologist who works closely with on-site respiratory therapists CHC is staffed 24 hours a day by many licensed respiratory therapists.
Physical Therapy
We focus on the mobility of the child through direct one-on-one therapy and parent education therapy sessions. PT can be as extensive as muscle strengthening and ambulation training or as remedial as passive range of motion to prevent contracture of muscles.
Occupational Therapy
We work with our residents to assess and improve functional independence in areas of daily living and age-appropriate developmental skills. OT also provides activities that engage the imagination of the child while assisting in coordination and function.
Speech & Language Therapy
We address speech and cognitive functioning as well as social communication such as sign language. Speech therapists play a pivotal role in managing patient feeding issues including swallowing, especially with trach-dependent residents, as well as infant sucking challenges.
Nutritional Care
Our registered pediatric dietitian specializes in providing individualized, complex diets often requiring pediatric enteral feedings and other life sustaining nutrition as part of the complete treatment. Nutritional education and feeding instruction is given to parents and families as part of each resident’s preparation for the transition home.
Onsite School and Public Learning
Both onsite schooling and access to public schools, every resident is engaged in learning at whatever level is appropriate. CHC is and accredited by the National Association of Special Education Teachers, and Illinois State Board of Education certified. Even our youngest children receive educational services in our Early Childhood Development Programs.